(I) 対照言語学・言語類型論・認知言語学・機能主義的言語学・文法化研究
- 堀江 薫. “The Notion "Direct" vs. "Indirect": A Syntactico-Semantic Continuum.”『聖霊女子短期大学紀要』15, 40-54. 1987.(3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. 1985. “Lexico-Syntactic Analysis of Verbs of Cognition, Conception and Perception.” Sophia Linguistica (上智大学大学院外国語学研究科言語学専攻)18, 39-48. 1985年(3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “How Languages Encode the Cognitive Notion of Directness and Indirectness: A Typological Study.” In: Hoji, Hajime. (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Stanford: CSLI, 61-77. 1990a.(3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Complementation in Moroccan Arabic and the Cognitive Notion of Directness/Indirectness.” Sophia Linguistica 28, 37-45. 1990b. (4月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Cognitive Motivations for Event Nominalizations.” In: Nichols, Lynn et al. (ed.), Papers from the Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), 27-1, 233-245. 1991a. (10月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Event Nominalizations in Korean and Japanese: A Cognitive Perspective.” In: Kuno, Susumu et al. (ed.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics 4, Seoul: Hanshin publishers, 503-12. 1991b. (12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Causative Constructions in Nepali.” In: Ichihashi, Kumiko et al. (ed.), Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 16, 99-110. 1991c.(12月)
- Hawkins, John A., Kaoru Horie, and Stephen Matthews. “On the Interaction of Performance Principles of Word Order.” In: Hawkins, John A. and Anna Siewierska. (eds.), European Science Foundation Programme in Language Typology Working Paper 2, 141-188. 1991. (12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “From Zero to Overt Nominalizer No: A Syntactic Change in Japanese.” In: Choi, Soonja. (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 3. Stanford: CSLI, 305-321. 1993a. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Internally Headed Relative Clauses in Korean and Japanese: Where Do the Differences Come from?” In: Kuno, Susumu et al. (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics 5. Seoul: Hanshin publishers, 449-458. 1993b. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “What the Choice of Overt Nominalizer No Did to Modern Japanese Syntax and Semantics.” In: Henning Andersen. (ed.), Historical Linguistics 1993. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 191-203. 1995a. (5月)
- 堀江 薫. 韓国語に主要部内在型関係節は存在するか?文法化の観点より」『関西言語学会論文集』15, 90-99. 1995b. (9月)
- Comrie, Bernard, and Kaoru Horie. “Complement Clauses versus Relative Clauses: Some Khmer Evidence.” In: Abraham, Werner, et al. (eds.), Discourse Grammar and Typology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 65-75. 1995. (11月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Three Types of Nominalization in Modern Japanese: No, Koto and Zero.” Linguistics 35-5, 879-894. 1997a. (5月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “The Cognitive Nature of Grammaticalization of Overt Nominalizers in Modern Japanese.” 『日本エドワードサピア協会研究年報』11, 1-10. 1997b. (12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Reanalysis as a Means of "Recycling" Conventionalized Expressions: A Case Study from Japanese.” In: Caron, Bernard (ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Linguists. (CD-Rom Version Paper No. 0400) New Jersey: Elsevier. 1997c.(CD-ROM媒体のためページ数の指定なし)(12月)
- 堀江 薫. 「構文から見た日本語らしさ」『日本語学』(明治書院)16(7), 14-22. 1997d. (6月)
- 堀江 薫.「言語類型論からみた日本語文法用語の再検討試案」『日本語学論説資料』32号.東京:論説資料保存会, 234-236. 1997e. (12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Functional Duality of Case-marking Particles in Japanese and its Implications for Grammaticalization: A Contrastive Study with Korean.” In: Silva, David. (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 8. Stanford: CSLI, 147-159. 1998a. (1月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “On the Polyfunctionality of the Japanese Particle No: From the Perspectives of Ontology and Grammaticalization.” In: Ohori, Toshio. (ed.), Studies in Japanese Grammaticalization: Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, 169-192. 1998b. (3月)
- 堀江 薫. 「コミュニケーションにおける言語的・文化的要因-日韓対照言語の観点から-」『日本語学』(明治書院)17(11), 118-127. 1998(10月)
- 佐々祐子・堀江 薫.「文および語構成における形式名詞もの・こと・ところの相関関係に関する一考察」『関西言語学会論文集』18, 133-143. 1998.(5月)
- 渡部泰門・堀江 薫.「日本語同格節補文に現れる補文化辞の生起条件再考:補文化辞トイウ・トノの代動詞分析による統一的説明試案」『日本エドワード・サピア協会研究年報』12, 1-13. 1998.(10月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “From Core to Periphery: A Study on the Directionality of Syntactic Change in Modern Japanese.” In: Fox, Barbara A., Dan Jurafsky, and Laura A. Michaelis. (eds.), Cognition and Function in Language. Stanford: CSLI, 1-14. 1999. (4月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Core-oblique Distinction and Nominalizer Choice in Japanese and Korean.” Studies in Language 24.1, 77-102. 2000a. (5月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Complementation in Japanese and Korean: A Contrastive and Cognitive Linguistic Approach.” In: Kaoru Horie (ed.), Complementation: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 11-31. 2000b.(9月)
- 堀江 薫.「言語類型論におけるサピアの再評価」『日本エドワード・サピア協会研究年報』14, 95-100. 2000c.(10月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Bongshik, Kang. “Action/State Continuum and Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese and Korean.” In: Kikusawa, Ritsuko, and Kan Sasaki (eds.), Modern Approaches to Transitivity. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers, 93-114. 2000.(12月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Yuko, Sassa. “From Place to Space to Discourse: A Contrastive Linguistic Analysis of Tokoro and Tey.” In: Nakayama, Mineharu, and Charles J. Quinn, Japanese/ Korean Linguistics 9. Stanford: CSLI [distributed by Cambridge University Press], 181-194. 2000.(12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Complement clauses.” In: Haspelmath, Martin, Ekkehard Koenig,Wulf Oesterreicher, and Wolfgang Raible (eds), Handbook of Language Typology and Language Universals. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 979-993. 2001a. (1月)
- 堀江 薫. 「膠着語における文法化の特徴に関する認知言語学的考察:日本語と韓国語を対象に」山梨正明他(編)『認知言語学論集』東京:ひつじ書房, 89-131. 2001b. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Debra Occhi. “Cognitive Linguistics Meets Language Contact: A Case of Getto-suru in Japanese.” In: Horie, Kaoru, and Shigeru Sato (eds.), Cognitive-Functional Linguistics in an East Asian Context. Tokyo: Kurosio publishers, 13-33. 2001. (4月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Verbal Nouns in Japanese and Korean: Cognitive Typological Implications.” 片岡邦好・井出祥子(編)『文化・インターアクション・言語』東京:ひつじ書房, 77-101. 2002a. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “A Comparative Typological Account of Japanese and Korean Morpho-Syntactic Contrasts.” Eonehag 32 (The Linguistic Society of Korea): 9-32. 2002b. (6月)
- 堀江 薫.「類型論から見た動詞の文法的特徴と機能変化」『言語』31巻11月号,32-39. 2002c.(10月)
- 堀江 薫. 「日韓両語の補文構造の認知的基盤」大堀壽夫(編)『認知言語学II カテゴリー化』東京:東京大学出版会, 255-276. 2002c. (4月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Kaori Taira. “Where Korean and Japanese Differ: Modality vs. Discourse Modality.” In: Akatsuka, Noriko, and Susan Strauss. (eds.), Japanese/ Korean Linguistics 10. Stanford: CSLI, 178-191. 2002. (10月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Tetsuharu Moriya. “Two Negation Forms in Korean: A Typological and Contrastive Approach.” In: S.O. Lee and G. K. Iverson (eds.), Pathways into Korean Language and Culture: Essays in Honor of Young-key Kim-Renaud, Seoul: Pagijong Press, 103-118. 2002. (12月)
- Moriya, Tetsuharu, and Kaoru Horie. “Grammaticalization and Semantic Typology: Time-relationship Adverbs in Japanese, Korean, English, and German.” In: Lee, Ik-Hwan, Yong-Beom Kim, Key-Sun Choi, and Mihaeng Lee (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Asia Conference. Seoul: The Korean Society for Language and Information, 348-357. 2002. (12月)
- 守屋哲治・堀江 薫. 「時間関係副詞の文法化に関する一考察:多層性と持続性の観点から」『日本認知言語学会論文集』第2巻, 34-41. 2002. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. "What Cognitive Linguistics Can Reveal about Complementation in Non-IE Languages: Case studies from Japanese and Korean." Eugene H.Casad and Gary B Palmer(Eds.), Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo European Languages. Berlin: Mouton, 363-388. 2003a. (1月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Differential Manifestations of “Modality” between Japanese and Korean: A Typological Perspective.” In: Chiba, Shuji et al. (eds.), Empirical and Theoretical Investigations into Language. Tokyo: Kaitakusya, 205-216. 2003b. (4月)
- 堀江 薫. 「言語類型論」山梨正明・有馬道子(編)『現代言語学の潮流』東京:勁草書房, 93-105. 2003c.(4月)
- 堀江 薫「日本語と韓国語の認知言語学的対照研究」『日本語学』(明治書院)22.9, 63-73. 2003d. (8月)
- Tetesuharu, Moriya, and Kaoru Horie. “Constrains on Grammaticalization:A Case Study of Time-relationship Adverbs.” In: Chiba, Shuji et al. (eds.), Empirical and Theoretical Investigations into Language. Tokyo: Kaitakusya, 435-446. 2003. (4月)
- Wako, Masakazu, Kaoru Horie, and Shigeru Sato. “Reconstructing Temporal Structures in Korean Texts: A Contrastive Study with Japanese.” In: Clancy, Patricia (ed.), Japanese /Korean Linguistics 11. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 203-216. 2003. (9月)
- Wako, Masakazu, Shigeru Sato, and Kaoru Horie. “From Progressive to Perfect: A Corpus-based Study of the “Perfect” Meaning of the Korean Progressive Form -ko iss-.” In: McClure, William (ed.), Japanese /Korean Linguistics 12. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 64-74. 2003. (12月)
- 守屋哲治・堀江 薫.「Driftと文法化」『日本エドワード・サピア協会研究年報』. 17号, 37-46. 2003a. (3月)
- Moriya, Tetsuharu, and Kaoru Horie. “On the Coexistence of Two Forms of Sentence Negation in Korean: A Functional Typological Perspective.” In: Gregory K. Iversion and Sang-Cheol Ahn (eds.) Explorations in Korean Language and Linguistics. Seoul: Hankook Publishing Co., 459-469. 2003b. (9月)
- 堀江 薫.「談話と認知」中村芳久編『認知文法論II』 東京:大修館書店, 247-278. 2004. (3月)
- Horie, Kaoru, and Emi Kondo. “Subjectification and Synchronic Variation: Two Negation Forms in Kansai Dialect of Japanese.” In: Achard, Michael, and Suzanne Kemmer (eds.), Language, Culture and Mind. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 1-15. 2004. (9月)
- 堀江薫・近藤絵美・姜奉植・守屋哲治.「関西方言の否定形式交替現象に関する認知言語学的研究:韓国語との対照に基づいて」佐藤滋・堀江薫・中村渉(編)『対照言語学の新展開』 東京:ひつじ書房, 319-331. 2004. (3月)
- Yap, Foongha, Stephen Matthews, and Kaoru Horie. “From Pronominalizer to Pragmatic Marker: Implications for Unidirectionality from a Cross-linguistic Perspective.” In: Fischer, Olga et al. (eds.) Up and Down the Cline: The Nature of Grammaticalization (Typological Studies in Language 57). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137-168. 2004. (10月)
- Moriya, Tetsuharu, and Kaoru Horie. “Periphrastic Modal Expressions in Korean and Japanese: A Cognitive and Socio-Cultural Perspective.” In: Lee, Sang-Oak et al. (eds.), Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I . Seoul: Thaehaksa, 67-76. 2004. (12月)
- 堀江 薫.「日本語と韓国語の文法化の対照」『日本語の研究』1巻3号, 93-106. 2005a. (4月)
- 堀江 薫.「認知と類型化」『言語』34巻8号, 32-39. 2005b. (7月)
- 堀江 薫・プラシャント・パルデシ・ギー・カウル.「多機能性の臨界点:アジュク(Adioukrou)の条件節を対象に」『関西言語学会論文集(KLS)』26, 34-44. 2005. (9月)
- Pardeshi, Prashant, Qingmei Li, and Kaoru Horie. “Subjectivity and the Passive. A Cross-linguistic Parallel Corpora Account.” 『関西言語学会論文集(KLS)』26, 23-33. 2005. (9月)
- パルデシ・プラシャント・李清梅・堀江薫「受動構文とその機能領域の拡張における言語間の類似と相違」『日本認知言語学会論文集』5, 51-60. 2005.(3月)
- パルデシ・プラシャント・堀江 薫「「非意図的な出来事」の認知類型論:言語理論と言語教育の融合を目指して」同上『言語学と日本語教育IV』東京:くろしお出版, 111-123. 2005.(3月)
- ナロック・ハイコ・堀江薫 「話し言葉における可能表現」南雅彦(編)『言語学と日本語教育IV』東京:くろしお出版, 99-110. 2005.(3月)
- Horie, Kaoru. 2006. “Introduction.” (Workshop on The World Atlas of Language Structure and Typological Analysis) 『言語研究』130号, 83-87. (9月)
- Horie, Kaoru, Miya Shimura, and Prashant Pardeshi. 2006. “Overt Anaphoric Expressions, Empathy, and the Uchi-Soto Distinction. A Contrastive Perspective.” In: Suzuki, Satoko (ed.), Emotive Communication in Japanese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 173-190. 2006.(8月)
- Ishihara, Tsuneyoshi, Kaoru Horie, and Prashant Pardeshi. “What Does the Korean “Double Causative” Reveal about Causation and Korean? A Corpus-Based Contrastive Study with Japanese.” In: Vance, Timothy (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 14. CSLI, 321-330. 2006.(10月)
- Kim, Joungmin., and Kaoru Horie. “Sentence Final Nominalization in Korean : A Contrastive Study with Japanese.” In: W. O’Grady et al. (eds.), Inquires into Korean Linguistics II. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 27-34. 2006. (10月)
- Pardeshi, Prashant, Peter Hook, Colin P. Masica, Hajar Babai, Shinji Ido, Kaoru Horie, Jambalsuren Dorjkhand, Joungmin Kim, Kanako Mori, Dileep Chandralal, Omkar N. Koul, Hsin-hsin Liang, Yutaro Murakami, Kingkarn Thepkanjana, Qing-Mei Li, Prasad Vasireddi, and Terry Varma. 2006. “Toward a Geotypology of EAT-expressions in Languages of Asia: Visualizing Areal Patterns through WALS.”『言語研究』130号, 89-108. (5月)
- パルデシ・プラシャント、李清海、堀江薫. 「主観性のタイポロジー―日・英・韓・中・マラティー語における受動表現の対照を通して」『言語』(大修館書店)35巻6号, 76-83. 2006. (6月)
- 金廷珉・堀江薫.「韓国語における名詞化構文の終結用法-名詞と動詞の連続性の観点から-」『日本認知言語学会論文集』6巻, 150-159. 2006.(3月)
- Horie, Kaoru, Joungmin Kim, and Mizuho Tamaji. 2007. “Where Japanese Contrasts with Korean and Mandarin Chinese: Intersubjectivity, Modality, and the Differential Pragmatic-Semantic Foundations across Languages.” Studies in Pragmatics 9 (The Pragmatics Society of Japan), 1-16. 2007. (3月)
- 堀江 薫・村上雄太郎.「膠着型言語と孤立型言語における他動性表示形式の文法化-日韓・中越語の対比を通じて-」角田三枝ほか(編)『他動性の通言語的研究』東京:くろしお出版, 217-229. 2007. (4月)
- Pardeshi, Prashant, Qingmei Li, and Kaoru Horie. “Being on the Receiving End: A Tour into Linguistic Variation.” Y. Matsumoto et al. (eds.) Diversity in Language: Perspectives and Implications. CSLI, 131-166. 2007a. (9月)
- Pardeshi, Prashant., Qingmei Li, and Kaoru Horie. “Where, How and Why do Passives in Japanese and Korean differ?-A Parallel Corpus Account.” In: McGloinm, Naomi H. and Junko Mori (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15. CSLI, 108-120. 2007b. (12月)
- Horie, Kaoru. “Grammaticalization of Nominalizers in Japanese and its Theoretical Implications: A Contrastive Study with Korean.” In: Seoane, Elena and Maria Jose Lopez-Couso. (eds.), Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspective for the Twenty-first Century (Typological Studies in Language 76). John Benjamins, 169-187. 2008a. (8月)
- 堀江 薫.「間主観化」『言語』37巻5号, 36-41. 2008b. (4月)
- Horie, Kaoru, Prashant Pardeshi, and Guy Kaul. “ Transparency vs. Economy. How does Adioukrou Resolve the Conflict?” In: Tomaszczyk, Barbara Lewandowska (ed.), Asymmetric Events. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 193-206. 2008.(5月)
- 堀江薫・金廷珉.「主観化・間主観化」の観点から見た日本語・韓国語の文法現象-Elizabeth C. Traugott教授の文法化研究の新展開-」『言語』37巻 2号, 84-89. 2008. (2月)
- Prashant, Pardeshi, Wang, Luming, and Kaoru Horie. “An Anatomy of the “Oblique” Category on the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy: A Typological Study of Relative Clauses in Marathi, Chinese, Japanese, Adioucrou and English.” In: Ogura, Tamiko et al. (eds.), Studies in Language Sciences 7. Kurosio Publishers, 249-264. 2009. (7月)
- Kim, Joung-Min and Kaoru Horie. “ Intersubjectification and Textual Functions of Japanese Noda and Korean Kes-ita. ” In: Takubo, Yukinori (ed.) Japanese/Korean Linguistics 16. Stanford: CSLI, 279-288. 2009.(1月)
- 堀江 薫.「認知類型論のアプローチ―構文機能の言語間変異―」『言語』38巻10号, 16-22. 2009. (9月)
- Wang, Luming, Kaoru Horie, and Prashant Pardeshi. “Toward a Functional Typology of Noun Modifying Constructions in Japanese and Chinese: A Corpus-Based Account.” In: Inagaki Shunji et al. (eds.) Studies in Language Sciences 8. Tokyo: Kurosio publishers, 213-228. 2009.(7月)
- Moriya, Testuharu, and Kaoru Horie. “What is and What is not Language-Specific about the Japanese Modal System? A Comparative and Historical Perspective.” In: Pizziconi, Barbara, and Mika Kizu (eds.), Japanese Modality: Exploring its Scope and Interpretations. New York: Pelgrave Macmillan, 87-114. 2009. (9月)
- 秋葉多佳子, 堀江薫, 白井恭弘. 「格助詞の学習・指導における投射モデルの応用」南雅彦(編)『言語学と日本語教育VI』東京:くろしお出版, 29-45. 2010.(6月)
- 金廷珉, 堀江薫.「「のだ」構文の談話機能に関する対照言語学的考察-韓国語の「KES-ITA」との対比を通じて‐」『言語学と日本語教育VI』東京:くろしお出版, 175-190. 2010.(6月)
- Pardeshi, Prashant, Kaoru Horie, and Shigeru Sato. “An Anatomy of the Posture Verb ‘baɾNe’ ‘sit’ in Marathi: A Cognitive-Functional Account.” In: Rice, Sally, and John Newman (eds.), Empirical and Experimental Methods in Cognitive/Functional Research. Stanford: CSLI, 91-108.
- 堀江薫.「モダリティの類型論」(in press, a) 澤田治美(編)『意味論講座3 モダリティI:理論と方法』東京:ひつじ書房
- Horie, Kaoru. (in press, b) “Versatility of Nominalizations: Where Japanese and Korean Contrast.” Yap, Foong Ha et al. (eds.), Nominalization in Asian Languages. Diachronic and Typological Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2011. (6月) http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/lin/nomz/
- 堀江薫, 金廷珉. (in press) 「日韓語の文末表現に見る語用論的意味変化-機能主義的類型論の観点から-」高田博行・椎名美智・小野寺典子(編)『歴史語用論入門』東京:大修館書店
- Horie, Kaoru, and Heiko Narrog. (In press) “What Typology Reveals about Modality in Japanese: A Cross-linguistic Perspective.” In: Ono, Tsuyoshi, and Kaori Kabata (eds.) Functional Approaches to Japanese Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Kaoru Horie. “The Interactional Origin of Nominal Predicate Structure in Japanese: A Comparative and Historical Pragmatic Perspective.”Journal of Pragmatics 44, 663-679, 2012.
- 長沼由香里, 堀江薫「非原型的」修飾機能の観点から見た日英語の名詞修飾構造:パラレルコーパスに基づいてStudies in Language Sciences 11, 174-197. 2012.
- Shirai, Y, Horie, K.「Studies in Language Sciences 11」開拓社, 221. 2012
(II) 応用(認知)言語学・言語認知脳科学
- 堀江 薫. “Remarks on the Simple Present Tense in English.”『聖霊女子短期大学紀要』 14, 37-41.1986.(3月)
- 渡部良典・堀江 薫. “Communicative Interaction through Writing in the EFL Classroom.”『聖 霊女子短期大学紀要』19, 54-67. 1989. (3月)
- Ikuta, Nao, Motoaki Sugiura, Yuko Sassa, Jobu Watanabe, Yuko Akitsuki, Kazuki Iwata, Yoshihiko Watanabe, Hideyuki Okamaoto, Naoki Miura, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Horie, Yoshihiko Matsue, and Ryuta Kawashima. “Brain Activation Associated with the Processing of Grammatical Functions, Subject, Object and Verb.” Bulletin of Tohoku University International Student Center 6, 1-9. 2002. (3月)
- Miura N., Watanabe J, Iwata K, Sassa Y, Riera J, Tsuchiya H, Sato S, Horie K, Takahashi M, Kitamura M, and Kawashima R. “Cortical activation during reading of Ancient versus Modern Japanese texts: fMRI Study.” Neuroreport 26, 426-431. 2005. (5月)
- Yokoyama S, Okamoto H, Miyamoto T, Yoshimoto K, Kim J, Iwata K, Jeong H, Uchida S, Ikuta N, Sassa Y, Nakamura W, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R “Cortical activation in the processing of passive sentences in L1 and L2: An fMRI study.” Neuroimage 30, 570-579, 2006. (8月)
- Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Watanabe J, Akitsuki Y, Iwata K, Miura N, Okamoto H, Watanabe, J, Sato S, Horie K, Matsue Y, and Kawashima R. “Brain activation during the course of sentence comprehension.” Brain and Language 97, 154-161, 2006. (10月)
- Yokoyama S, Miyamoto T, Riera J, Kim J, Akitsuki Y, Iwata K, Yoshimoto K, Horie K, Sato S, and Kawashima R. “Cortical mechanisms involved in the processing of verbs: An fMRI study.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 18, 1304-1313, 2006.(12月)
- Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Miura N, Akitsuki Y, Horie K, Sato S, and Kawashima R. “Multiple brain networks for visual self-recognition with different sensitivity for motion and body part.” Neuroimage 32, 1905-1917, 2006. (3月)
- 杉浦謙介,李サンモク,北原良夫,堀江薫, 吉本啓「CALL 用プラットフォームWebOCMの基本的機能とそのe ラーニングへの応用」『東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要』1, 209-214. 2006. (3月)
- Jeong H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Haji T, Usui N, Taira M, Horie, K, Sato S, and Kawashima R. “Effect of syntactic similarity on cortical activation during second language processing: A comparison of English and Japanese among native Korean trilinguals.” Human Brain Mapping 28,194-204. 2007. (3月)
- Jeong H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Yokoyama S, Horie K, Sato S, Taira M, and Kawashima R . “Cross-linguistic influence on brain activation during second language processing: an fMRI study.” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 10, 175-187, 2007. 2007. (5月)
- Yokoyama S, Watanabe J, Iwata K, Ikuta N, Haji T, Usui N, Taira M, Miyamoto T, Nakamura W, Sato S, Horie K, and Kawashima R. “Is Broca's area involved in the processing of passive sentences?: An event-related fMRI study.” Neuropshychologia 45, 989-996, 2007.(9月)
- Sassa Y, Sugiura M, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, and Kawashima R. “Cortical mechanism of communicative speech production.” Neuroimage 37, 985-992, 2007. (10月)
- Wakusawa K, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Yokoyama H, Tsuchiya S, Inuma K, and Kawashima R. “Comprehension of implicit meanings in social situations involving irony: A functional MRI study.” Neuroimage. 37, 1417-1426, 2007. (10月)
- 玉地瑞穂・堀江薫 「中国人日本語学習者のモダリティ習得過程に見られる中間言語」南雅彦(編)『言語学と日本語教育V』くろしお出版, 53-71. 2007.(3月)
- Tamaji, Mizuho, and Kaoru Horie. “What L2 Learner’s Processing Strategy Reveals about the Modal System in Japanese.” Proceedings of PACLIC 21, 471-480. 2007. (11月)
- 杉浦謙介,佐藤滋,李サンモク,北原良夫,堀江薫,吉本啓「RSSとIDSを用いたeラーニング・サブシステム」『東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要』2, 251-266. 2007. (3月)
- Inoue K, Ito H, Uchida S, Taki Y, Kinomura S, Tsuji I, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R, Ito M, and Fukuda H. “Decrease in glucose metabolism in frontal cortex associated with deterioration of microstructure of corpus callosum measured by diffusion tensor imaging in healthy elderly.” Human Brain Mapping 29, 375-384, 2008. (4月)
- Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, and Kawashima R . “Face-specific and domain-general characteristics of cortical responses during self-recognition.” Neuroimage. 42: 414-422, 2008. (6月)
- 和田由里恵,堀江薫,北原良夫,吉本啓「日本語学習者の依頼におけるポライトネスストラテジー -日本語学習者の母語と日本語の比較-」『東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要』3, 293-300. 2008. (3月)
- Kim J, Koizumi M, Ikuta N, Fukumitsu Y, Kimura N, Iwata K, Watanabe J, Yokoyama S, Sato S, Horie K, and Kawashima R. “Scrambling Effects on the Processing of Japanese Sentences: An fMRI Study.” Journal of Neurolinguistics 22, 151-166, 2009. (3月)
- Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Inoue K, Sato S, Horie K, and Kawashima R. “Neural basis of sentence processing in which incoming words form a sentence.” Neuroreport 20, 531-535, 2009. (4月)
- Wakusawa K, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Yokoyama H, Tsuchiya S, and Kawashima R. “Neural correlates of processing situational relationships between a part and the whole: An fMRI study.” Neuroimage 48, 486-496, 2009. (7月)
- Sugiura M, Wakusawa K, Sekiguchi A, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, and Kawashima R. “Extraction of situational meaning by integrating multiple meanings in a complex environment: a functional MRI study.” Human Brain Mapping 30, 2678-2688, 2009. (8月)
- 秋葉多佳子・堀江薫・吉本啓「高等教育における日本語の効果的指導法に関する応用言語学的研究―格助詞「で」の指導に関する「投射モデル」の応用―」『東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要』4, 119-203. 2009年(3月)
- Morimoto, Satoshi, and Kaoru Horie. “Japanese Learners’ Construal of English Relative Clauses: A Processing Typological Account.” Selected Papers from the 2007 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, 95-107. 2009. (5月)
- Tachibana K, Suzuki K, Mori E, Miura N, Kawashima R, Horie K, Sato S, Tanji J, and Mushiake H. “Neural Activity in the Human Brain Signals Logical Rule Identification.” Journal of Neurophysiology 102, 1526 -1537. 2009. (8月)
- Miura N, Sugiura M, Takahashi M, Sassa Y, Miyamoto A, Sato S, Horie K, Nakamura K, Kawashima R “Effect of motion smoothness on brain activity while observing a dance: an fMRI study using a humanoid robot.” Social Neuroscience 5: 40-58, 2010. (5月)
- Yomogida Y, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Wakusawa K, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Takeuchi H, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. “The Neural Basis of Agency: An fMRI study.” Neuroimage 50, 198-207, 2010. (7月)
- Jeong H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Wakusawa K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R “Learning second language vocabulary: Neural dissociation of situation-based learning and text-based learning.” Neuroimage, 50, 802-809, 2010. (8月)
- Yokoyama O, Miura N, Watanabe J, Takemoto A, Uchida S, Sugiura M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R, Nakamura K. “Right frontopolar cortex activity correlates with reliability of retrospective rating of confidence in short-term recognition memory performance.” Neuroscience Research, in press.
- Funayama R, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Wakusawa K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R Neural bases of human mate choice: multiple value-dimensions, sex difference, and self-assessment system. Social Neuroscience 7 59-73 2012
- Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Wakusawa K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R Self-face recognition in social context. Human Brain Mapping 3 1364-1374 2012
- Koizumi M, Kim J, Kimura N, Yokoyama S, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R Left Inferior Frontal Activations Differentially Modulated by Scrambling in Ditransitive Sentences. The Open Medical Imaging Journal 70-79 2012